Amazingly there are many human scourges in Africa than the
natural catastrophes in the rest of the world continents combined. It is not a
curse or by fate for such devastating and tormenting encounters to befall this
lovely continent.
Notably, divergent views have been put forward in justifying
the controversial quirks. Many belittle the happenstances denouncing them as coincidences
fronted by nature.
This leaves one to wallow in worry how wicked, Immoral and
disparaging corruption acts could ever be termed as coextensive to natural
disasters. It is a suicidal misfortune which must be profoundly condemned.
Fraud owing to greed of those in power has deprived many
countries of their growth and development. Funds from taxing the poor have been
misappropriated and siphoned by the few politically connected thieves. These
are no different from murderers who will not overlook any chance to rob you of
your life in pursuing their endeavors.
Bad governance and despotism is another menace befalling
Africa. Again, this is a willful act. How dishonorable to embrace tyranny in
the current world order when human rights ought to be at the peak.
Shockingly, these two scandalous vices combined result to a
massive loss to the people. It is more shameful that this surpasses the
destructive and thrashing effects of even hurricanes, tsunami and drought.
Quite appalling is the thought of when shall there be
equity, equality, accountability and democratic rule in many of these
countries? It is time such unspeakable, outrageous, and disgusting branding
disappeared in Africa. The buck stops with everyone engaging in electing leaders.
Voters need be the trailblazers in ridding themselves of tribalism, nepotism
and clannism which hoodwink them while choosing their leaders.